New Computer
You deserve a painless transition
Too Many Choices!
Most people are overwhelmed when shopping for new technology. We can help you with our New Computer Recommendation service. Here's how it works:
We talk to you to learn your specific needs.
We use our proprietary analysis program to find the best matching deal based on price and performance.
We give you a recommendation along with all the details to make a hassle-free purchase.
Our best deal recommendation and purchase advice can end up saving you 100s of dollars!
Start on the Right Foot
Change is easy with our help. Our New System Setup and Secure service gets you running quickly and confidently. Just drop off your new computer at the Tech Defense Hospital and we:
Setup and configure Windows 10
Install all the latest Windows and program updates
Set up Internet security, including Microsoft Windows Defender, Ad Blocking software and a Website Rating service.
Remove unnecessary promotional software
Install Adobe reader, a free Office Suite and DVD Playing software.
A Smooth Transition
Switching from an older computer? We help you transfer your information, set up your devices, and customize your system. Talk to us about our flat-rate affordable fees. And, take our expertise home with you for an ongoing problem-free experience.